The truck the Lord provided!!

We picked up our truck on Friday around 10am!!  I would say She is a beauty but I think it looks more like a he!  

It was a dream to drive.  It's a 2014 Dodge 3500.  Nothing fancy, just a good work truck and that's what we'll be using it for besides pulling our 5th wheel.

We spent the day, today, running errands. We ordered running boards for each side as I am not as tall as the person that must have owned it before, because it's a lot of effort to get into the thing...and I don't want to have to worry when there is snow or ice on the ground, trying to lift myself up into that thing.

The running boards will be here on Monday after Mother's I have to swing my body up into the truck till then :-)  Good exercise, I guess.

Hit Costco while we were out and realized, we can't we won't be able to buy in bulk like we used to :-)  That's the little things we'll have to get used to.  It's all good!!

I am still amazed that the Lord found us the perfect pickup for the job.  We were talking to the guy where we will have our running boards installed and he said this truck is best known by construction workers that don't care about a lot of frills but want to good truck that will last!  I told him it didn't have a CD player and he just smiled....because most workers don't care about that in a truck.  Really?

Anyway, will have to figure out if i can find a plug and play CD player.  I like my music going down the road.

Next up is to buy David a tool box for the back, as he'll need that working with VCB.  And, it's almost Father's Day and I told him that would be his Father's Day gift.

I had mentioned that I would like a cream colored truck to match our Fifth wheel but this one is actually platinum...and I think I like it even more.

Our older Son, Gene, gave a thumbs that made us feel good!  He also has a Dodge Pick up.

So, now we are all set to get on the road!!  Just have to make a few stops here and there, after our yard sale is over with, to see family and friends before heading out and then we'll be on the road!

Our first assignment will be back in WI, after we pick up our 5th wheel.

Have a fantastic day!!!



  1. That truck looks quite massive. I'm surprised about the CD player since it isn't that old. Does it have a plug in for an MP3 instead? Can't wait to see it with the 5th wheel attached. I can't imagine how much you've downsized.


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