Brenham Cowboy Church - First phase`

I know it's been quite some time since I last posted.  My biggest reason was no Wi Fi :-(   After putting up with that for over two weeks, we broke down and bought a new phone for me as mine was getting outdated and I really needed Wi Fi to be able to log onto the internet to be able to update my blog AND stay connected to family and friends.  I thought the guy had transferred ALL my photos from my old phone to my new phone (and he did)but I couldn't find the photos of the first two weeks of our working at Brenham.  

Then, I just started searching.....and I found I am going to have to do this in 'installments' as I am still uploading photos from my camera  :-)

Just so you know, we are 'home' now....getting home on the evening of May 16th.  Been a busy couple of weeks and we'll soon be leaving for another job.....but more on that later!

This is where the Cowboy Church of Brenham meets every Sunday.  It's a combination ballroom/skating rink.  Right now, they have volunteers who set up chairs and take them down every Sunday for their service.  

Every Sunday, they serve  Kolaches, Donuts and coffee to those coming in before church starts.

When church is about to begin, the band plays the Cowboy Church song which one of the members wrote.  That tells everyone to get to their seats.

We never get there early enough to actually watch them put those chairs up....100's of them, but we have been there when they are taking them down to store them and it's quite the production.  They have it all done in a matter of 15 minutes or less.   Even the tiny ones get involved.

Here is what the guys had to start with at the new location for the church.  Basically a concrete pad and a steel frame.  It is 180' x 90'.  It's going to be HUGE!!!  

Getting started

First few days

Making progress

Yeah!!! The second week, the metal guys from Brenham, TX put the sides on giving the guys a little protection from the sun. 

Then they also came on our week off (we worked two weeks on, one week off, two weeks on) and put the roof on.  They had to work when it wasn't windy or storming, but they got it finished!!  

This is the road from the RV's up to the church building that we walked every day for devotions, lunch, afternoon break and dinner.  Most of the time, the ladies worked in the room next to where we ate, making things for different missions.  I'll post about that another day.


This is a partial photo of the RV's lined up in a field.  And, our RV on the right.  During both phases of the job, we had 10 or so rigs parked there. And, the first two weeks, several men drove in from out of town and worked all day and went back home. Some volunteers came for the first two weeks and then left for other jobs and some different workers came the last two weeks.  About 5-6 couples were there the entire 5 weeks.  We had 30 amp electric and water.  

This is what they referred to as a 'pump' party.  Every Saturday morning, the guys would meet to pump our the RV's, which was pumped up to the sewage tank.  I am so glad that was a Guy thing :-)

This is where we met, at the 'bunkhouse' for meals, breaks and devotions.  This was also where the ladies met to work on various mission projects.  There are two entrances, the one door on the left took you into the dining room.  The door on the right, led to the room where the ladies worked.


Believe me, we did not want for anything. They even provided us with their famous Blue Bell ice cream, as much as we could eat!!  I just wish I had taken photos of every meal we were treated to.  We had chicken, BBQ, Steak, hamburgers, different delicious casseroles, all kinds of wonderful salads, garlic bread, and oh my gosh....the desserts!!!  That was quite the undertaking, making lunch and dinners every day for 4 weeks.  But, boy did they rise to the occasion!!!  On our week off, between phases, we provided our own meals.

This is what we were treated to often at the end of our day....gorgeous sunsets!!

I'll post more in a day or two.

Thanks for stopping by!!!  If you get a chance drop me a line.  I love to know who is reading my blog.  


  1. I'm reading it! So very interesting and wonderful what you two are doing! Marilyn

  2. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you are up to. This installment made me hungry!


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