Happy Birthday Annie.....and, A New Direction?

Well, this post is a tad late, as Annie's birthday was March 26th.  We celebrated her birthday by buying her an Orthopedic dog bed and making Instant Pot Brownies (for us, not her) and then I forgot to post it to my blog.

She turned 15, this year!!!  So happy to still have her with us!  She adapted to the RV life better than we thought was possible.  The only bad thing is, after this time of her laying on her bed.....she really wants nothing to do with it.  She prefers to lay on the floor???  I mean, come on, that floor is HARD and that bed is so comfy.  Yes, I tried it....LOL

Anyway, 3 days after her birthday we got a call to meet the owners of this RV Park up at their living quarters (when they are in the park).  They didn't mince words, they told us they were letting us go.  We were shocked...they said it was nothing we had done, we were good people and it was just that they wanted to do a 'reset'.  Meaning they were letting us and one other person go and hiring who they wanted. What a blow!!!!  

After the owner convinced us to stick around here through the winter to help make the transition from one owner to the next easier and to wait for the current managers to be gone......we didn't look for any jobs as we'd been told they would love to have us stay permanent if we wished to.  That worked for us so we didn't even check out the new job offerings coming out.

To say we are still in shock is quite an understatement.

So, we are scrambling to find a new Workamping position close to us or within reason.

We've heard from RV parks back in NY, KY and a few others but that is just too far to go......now that we are a little leary now.....we don't want to go somewhere that far and have the RV park tell us.....ummmm, we changed our minds...bye.

Hurt.....YES.....upset....YES....a little nervous...double YES.....this was so unexpected and came out of nowhere.   I could have understood, if they hadn't asked us to stick around from October through March.....and things would get better. 

So, we are scrambling to find a new job before our two weeks is up.  Thankfully, the owner's wife told us we could have two more weeks, here, while we looked for a job.

But, it sure makes us a little leary now....

We'll get though this, the Lord will help us find something.......

We are off to go check out the Tulips at the Tulip Farm. :-)

Have a great day!!!!!



  1. What a shock that must have been! So sorry.. but as you know.. one door closes.. another opens up. I hope you will be able to "relocate" to somewhere close by. The new owners probably new people who wanted to be in your position, and that's why they let you go. I had that happen in a job once... great boss.. I was doing great, etc. but someone came along who had worked for him before, who needed a job.. so I got replaced! Very shocking indeed. Keep us advised as to where you end up! Marilyn


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