July already!! Can't help the slow internet :-(

This is the road coming back to the Volunteer Village from the Visitor Center.  It's just about 1/4 of a mile away from the Visitor Center.

We've been having connectivity issues up here with getting photos to upload to my computer since we got here, but yesterday, it had been working for some reason.  So, I am taking advantage of the opportunity and am going to try and get a few blogs done, today, if it keeps on working.

We arrived on May 17th and got settled in,  On, May 22nd, we had an Orientation/BBQ for all the Workampers here at Dworshak and those working up at Dent Campground.

We worked a couple of days with a returning Visitor Center couple, Bruce and Cyndy, to get the 'hang of things'  and then were pretty much on our own....with the exception of a Ranger in the office until they felt comfortable leaving us on our own.

We took a drive up to Dent Campground, so that our Volunteer Coordinator Ranger, Michelle, could show us where it was and what it looked like.

It is roughly 26 miles up there and you cross a gorgeous bridge, called Dent Bridge.

Then, eventually you come to the Dent Campground, where some other Dworshak Volunteers work.  There is no visitor center there but they do have a little fee booth and Maintenance to do.

They also have a beautiful view of the reservoir.

I have lots more photos to share, but now my internet is slowing way down....so hopefully, another day I can share some more photos.

OH MY GOSH.....there was SO MUCH to learn, when we first started working, not only running the Visitor Center (VC)  but learning all the answers to all the questions people ask....and we still are learning, every day.  Not only the history of the Dam, how and when it was built, but the answers to a lot of questions that are asked daily from where are the places to camp near here? What fish are in the reservoir? What is the temperature of the water in the reservoir? How long is the reservoir?....most of the questions are dealt with in our little handbook...but then we get a lot that are not answered in the little hand out we were given...and that is when I have worn out the carpet back to the offices that first month.....calling out, "INCOMING" to whichever Ranger is on office duty that day,  as a joke, to let them know here I was with another question!!!   But, I have to say, the Rangers are truly very patient with me.   Now the frequency of walking back to their offices, to have questions answered, have slowed way down!!

There is a lot to do to keep oneself busy in the VC. There are brochures to fold, hand outs to staple and put in a box for the Rangers to take up to the campgrounds and boat launches. There is also gift store inventory to keep up with.

But, our biggest and most important duty is to greet the visitors and answer any questions they may have and to make them feel welcome!  That is actually the fun part, getting to meet people from different countries and all across the US.

There is also movie theater up on the second floor, so we get a lot of exercise going up and down two flights of stairs each time, to turn on one of the 7 movies we have on hand.

Visitors can watch movies about the construction of the Dam, The Lewis and Clark Expedition, Nez Perce indians, The Last of the Log Drives, and one about the Salmon and their journey to and from the Ocean...and a couple of others.

The four favorites are the Dam Construction, Last of the Log Drives, the Nez Perce and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

David does the tours and I will share about that later when my Wi Fi is more reliable.  Who knows, that may not be till we get back off this mountain.

Have a GREAT DAY!!!!!   And, if you have good Wi Fi, don't take it from granted :-)



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